Self Portrait kkjj Northern California Coast Leopold Levert Spring-East Bergholt Common The Valleys also stand Thick with Corn-P Autumn in New England Still-Life with Flowers and Fruit sg CARRACCI, Agostino Fruit in a Glass Compote Siphon and winebottle Mccaskill Primrose frescos Eatonville The Duke of Lerma on Horseback -01- Charles Francois Daubigny Le Port a Anvers supports Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini s The Woman Nip the smoke Snowbound St George and the Dragon -detail- dfg The Quicklime Works Whitemarshisland Pay one-s respects to Belei Tasse de the 1938 BECCAFUMI, Domenico Merry Christmas in the Baron-s Hall Still life wtih Plaster Statuette,a Rose L-eglise de Marissel -11- Main Altar sf Arras Marissa Elaine Minooka Plaza of Irun -nn02- Susanmoore