A Roman Offering -37- Anna Dollfus, Baronne de Bourgoing Birth of Venus The Meal Westpalmbeach Public Opinion Forrestcity St Charles Borromeo Erecting Crosses a t Biel Lagunaniguel Madonna and Child with Four Saints -Tezi Medea Martyrdom of the Ten Thousand Fur Traders Descending the Missouri -09- Progress of Love-The Lover Crowned Uusimaa Philip IV museum shop Countryfolk logging -37- Lorenzo Lotto The Young Beggar -05- Girl leaning on a window-sill -33- Eaglehead,Manchester,Massachusetts -High The Death of St Joseph -san 05- Vik The Parable of the Laborers in the Vinea The Walk to Work Portrait of a Young Venetian Woman -08- Southleadhill The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine f Konstantin Somov Albert Anker Owen, William St.Augustine Perceives the Trinity